U.S. singer Maddona starts world tour in Israel(在线收听

 JERUSALEM, May 31 (Xinhua) -- U.S. pop diva Madonna began her " MDNA Tour" in Israel's Tel Aviv on Thursday to promote her new album "MDNA" as well as peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

The diva also donated 600 tickets to Israeli and Palestinian peace activists, but two Israeli left-wing organizations, Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity Movement and Anarchists Against the Wall, turned down her invitation because of her support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
"Madonna often expressed support for Israeli policies and leaders, so when she says that she is seeking to hold a concert for peace, the term peace loses its meaning," Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity Movement wrote on their Facebook wall.
Despite the controversy, other peace organizations confirmed their attendance to the concert, which sold over 30,000 tickets.
Madonna announced earlier this week that she intends to talk about peace on the stage and hold a conference on this issue with peace activists.
It is the fourth time the Madonna has visited Israel, a country she feels a special attachment to, since she is a fervent follower of the Jewish mysticism art known as Kabbalah.
Local media estimated the cost of the concert is almost 4 million dollars, with a special stage built in Belgium being brought to Israel and over 100 dancers and 300 technicians flying with her from the United States.
After Israel, she will continue the tour in 32 different countries.