CNN 2012-05-07(在线收听

  First up, it's been called the largest collection of high-level terrorist information that US government has ever gotten hold of. US Navy Seals killed Osama Bin Laden when they raided his compound a year ago. They also took this huge collection of docunments from computers, hardwares, and storage devices that was there. Now some of those docunments have been posted on line. We don't know how much of the material is been made public by the US government, but we know what is on line offers some clues about what Bin Laden is focused on. The docunments show that he wanted to see another major attack in the Unites States. He has big ideas for his Al Qaeda terrorist organization. He was also worried that he couldn't control the Al Qaeda affiliated groups around the world, in fact he has hold some of those groups, not to say that they were part of Al Qaeda.

    Couple of healines for you now concerning the National Football League. First, more than 100 former players are sueing the NFL over the issue of concussions. They are the first ones to do it. The players involved in the law suit filed las week are joining more than 1500 other players who've done the same thing. Their arguement is that the NFL heed how dangerour concussions are, they didn't take enough steps to protect players from serve head injuries. The League says players safty is a priority. League officials also say that any claim about intentionally misleading players is false.
    The other headline has to do with this man, former NFL Great Junior Seau. He was found dead on Wendsday. Officials said it appeared that he died after shooting himself in the chest. Seau's apparrent suicide has raised questions about the condition of his brain. Dr. Sonjay Gubta explains why.
    We don't know for sure if Junior Seau has what a lot of peaple are talking about, CTE, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. You stop the talk-about and the only to really know for sure is to examine someone's brain after someone has died. That's going to know for sure if in fact the dementia-like symptom, the dementia-like affected at Junior Seau. XXX similarity between a player Dave Duerson, You may remember last year? Dave Duerson also shot himself in the chest. Now the Junior, and this is again unusual. In Dorson's case he left the notes, and he wanted his brain examined for evidence of CTE. That exmaination and Dorson did have Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. This dementia-like disease is characterised that people have memory problems, cognity problems and depression, anger issues, and you know we are seeing is more and more. In fact I visited a lab in Boston where they examine brains for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, and the number is quite striking. 18 out of 19 NFL players who have their brain examined there after their death showed evidence of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. 18 out of 19.  The youngest brain over all was seen in a high school football player, was 17 years old. So this process does seem to start quite early in light.