CNN 2012-05-15(在线收听

 Iam doctor * and you are listening to CNN student news.

Youknow Fridays are awesome when I get names job and get someone like doctor * tobegin the show. He is going to pass along civil information later on, but firstof all today we are looking at some economic options. 
Westart this week with election results of France and Greece. Both countries are gettingready for a shift in political power. They are not the only ones for half ofdozens of European nations have some change government recently. 
Anda lot of them * to do is how the country’s leaders handle the economicstruggles. * adapts two different ways the governments can to try to turn thethings around. Growth is a very tricky value Latin word right now. everyeconomy wants and needs growth but there’s many ways to get there, stimulus canproduce growth; austerity can produce growth; cutting taxes can produce growth,it’s very tricky and not every example is the same. It’s hard to compare somepeople hold us austerity on one side and stimulate us out on the other. In fact,some solution probably lies in the middle. Austerity is a program wheregovernment cuts back on its spending; it either cuts back on benefits orpayments to its citizens or payments to its business in order to get its debtsunder control. Governments typically don’t like to impose us austerity becausefocus don’t like austerity, voters, citizens like to get more money, they liketo get benefits from their governments, they like to have retirement * to somepoint. So governments don’t tend to impose austerity until it’s absolutely necessary.But many cases as to show creditor that the government has a discipline, andmany cases to balance the budgets because no more money is available, and in manycases it’s about paying down debts because it would take too long to take thatdebt down if austerity measures went brought in.   
Stimulusis one of governments’ getting vowels to transfer money or things like money toits citizens or its business to stimulate the economy and the economy worksbecause there’s demand: people work, they earn money, with that money they goand buy things with the money they used to buy things company expand and hiremore people those people have money they go out and buy things that is a virtuouscircle of demand. Stimulate that if the people have money that is stimulus. Austerityis not stimulus. 
Today’sShout out question is which city holds the first market Olympic? You know whatto do was it London, Rome, Cairo? You got three seconds, go. Ancient Greece thecity holds the first Olympic and holds the first modern games in 1896. That’syour answer and that’s your shout out. 
Greeceis always the starting point and one of its tradition is associated with OlympicGames, the tradition, the lighting of the Olympic Flame this ceremony yesterdaymarks start the new Olympic with held in the rules and ancient temples inGreece with actress explaining part of the traditional high phrased teams. Afterthe flame is lift it hit the road. The torchers will line the way over theUnited Kingdom next week then it will go out 8000 miles journey around thecountry before it eventually arrives in London for this year summer games. 
In2011, the unemployment rate for US military veterans who serve down * after tenyears with 12.1% that’s higher than over-all US unemployment rate which is only8.1%. A new CNN documentary that’s * warned some veterans’ efforts to find jobsas they come back home.