
   . to let off steam:to give vent to one's anger

  (发泄、出气,像放掉蒸汽以减少压力似的。这与"to fly off the
  handle"意思相近,但比"to lose temper"委婉客气些 )
  What will you do if your wife lets off
  但是谈到第三者,就可不必太委婉,可用 lose temper:
  What will you do if one of your staff lose temper?
  Occasionally we should be given a chance to let off
  8. to pay through the nose: to pay too much for something or excessively
  expensive (花费太多,代价过高,与" to cost an arm and a leg" 意义相近)
  Don't pay through the nose when you buy the furniture. (不要花太多的钱买家具。)
  Some women paid through the noses for their jewelry.
  9. to take center stage:to be in the spotlight
  Mrs. Lin always takes center stage at a party. (林太太总能成为宴会上的焦点。)
  President Bush takes center stage wherever he goes.
  His constant taking center stage could deprive him of his privacy.
  10. to drag(one's)feet:to procrastinate or
  It is not a good idea to drag your feet when the work needs to be done.
  No employers like for their employees to drag their feet on any project.
  11. to paint(someone or oneself)into a corner:to trap oneself or someone; to
  be in trouble(使自己或某人陷入困境, 应该注意的是即使主语是复数形式,corner
  Don't try to paint yourself into a corner. (不要让自己身陷困境,无法脱身。)
  After a heated debate with his boss, Mr. Chen has painted himself into a corner