
  12. to ask (someone) for (one's) hand: to ask girl's parents for marriage

  这里的"someone"是指女方的家长,"one"则是指要求婚的对象,hand 只能用单数形式)
  Mr. Su asked me for my daughter's hand. (苏先生到我家来向我女儿提亲。)
  He has asked her parents for their daughter's hand.
  13. to move onward and upward:to be promoted; from good to better
  He hopes to move onward and upward with his current company.
  Many young couples try to move onward and upward during their marriage.
  14. to call a spade a spade: to be honest, blunt or frank(直言不讳,有啥说啥)
  My wife always calls a spade a spade about her work situation.
  Calling a spade a spade on foreign affairs sometimes seems difficult for
  diplomats. (外交官在处理外交事务的时候很难做到直言不讳。)
  15. to play cat and mouse:to play games with aggressive and passive
  In business negotiations, there are always cat-and-mouse games.
  The police have played cat and mouse with the murderer.
  16. to go on the dole:(of the unemployed) to live on public
  Thousands of Americans are out of jobs and may go on the dole.
  Some people have gone on the dole for years.
  17. to be in the hot seat:to be under lots of pressure or in a difficult
  He has resigned from his job because he has been in the hot seat for years.
  When testifies before Congress, he will be in the hot seat.
  18. to make waves:to make trouble (惹是生非, 与"rock the boat"意思相近)
  Many politicians like to make waves in order to be kept in the media.
  Teenagers tend to make waves with their parents and teachers.