AP 2012-06-11(在线收听

 1. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta visited Afghanistan Thursday to discuss the war's progress and plans for the troop drawdown. Panetta acknowledged the spike in violence in the south, saying while insurgents are better organized, overall violence was down. 

2. President Barack Obama wraps up his two-day West Coast trip with a mix of campaigning and legislative business. Thursday Obama will host a $2500-a-plate breakfast in Los Angeles. He then heads to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for a speech pushing Congress to prevent the doubling of student loan interest at the end of June.
3. Investors will be closely watching US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's appearance before congressional lawmakers Thursday. Bernanke will likely be pressed on the health of the economy.
4. And just after a new massacre in Syria, international envoy Kofi Annan proposed taking a group of world powers and key region players to come up with a new strategy to end the 15-month conflict.