CNN 2012-06-10(在线收听

 Nice to meet Mr Roger's class first for spelling out today's introduction, I am Carol Aruz, as when you are going with ten minutes' global headlines, we are going to start things off today in Pakistan.That's where a senior AK leader was killed this week, according to U.S officials,Al was second in command in AK terror organization, he was captured back in 2002 but escaped three years later.On Monday, AL was killed in CIA * striking in Pakistan, White house spokesman JK called AL's death a serious blow to AK, another U.S official says quote no one even comes close in terms of replacing the expertise Ak  has just lost.

Wisconsin  is one of the 19 U.S states that allows for a election to recall the governor,* to remove from the office, only two governors have ever been recalled in the U.S, North West governor LF in 1921,and California David in 2003。Yesterday was a Wisconsin governor had ever faced a recall vote, here you can see republican governor SW casting his ballot,the push of this recall election came from the governor Walker's credit, they are angry about some of the ways that he is trying to fix Wisconsin's budget problem, Walker's supporter had called him a hero for those same actions, the result of recall action came in after we produce the show  you can check them out in our spotlight in our homepage.
From Wisconsin, we are going to hop across upon to London for the end of the celebration honoring the queen of the United Kingdom,this fly over at the queen's home baking in Paris marks the end of four days of festivities, the country has been celebrating queen Elizabeth's sixty years on the throne. other members of the royal family joined the final event of the diamond joverly. Queen offers thanks in a rare television she says quotes it's touch me deeply to see so many thousands of families and neighbors and friends celebrating together in such a happy atmosphere.
But if you want to put your forecasting fortitude to the test, you can go outside to guess the temperature, if there is any wind, you can take a test on how fast the rain is going, it might sound easy, but it gets a lot of  harder to accurately access the weather when you are in the middle of the hurricane.JR explains why some researches in Florida thinks it's important to try, there i am in during the hurricane Irene, looks pretty bad, isn't it? the problem is sometimes our perception of a storm strengths our different from reality can lead into injury and death.What we are actually doing here is we are creating a little bit of constructive unease, and that unease is the thing that are going to do something differently. The university of Florida and the federal of save home to try and understand how people perceive wind, rain and water.Are you ready? Yes, you are sure, you want to call this off?No,All right, it's your funeral.Standing on a wooden plant fall, then giant turbid are turned on.They are blast with six different wind speed up to 100 plus per hour.Sometimes they are hit with wind and water, the participant hand signal their wind guesstimate to a research,I think the highest i ever estimated 85 per hour, do you know how fast it really was? sixty. Research are finding most people are pretty accurate at the lower speed,but like *  most overestimate the higher speed, research the problem is that most of people have never been through one.  