SSS 2012-06-05(在线收听

 This is Scientific American's 60 seconds science. I'm Kellen Horgon. This will just take a minute.

Have you ever wondered what happens to mosquitos in the rain, a raindrop is like 15 times heavier than those little suckers. So getting hit by one, he's got a hurt, right? Well, not so much. Because researchers at George Tech found that the bugs are so light, speeding water drops simply brush them aside without imparting much force. The results are appearing the proceedings of national academy of sciences. Previous days have shown the precipitation can be a real pain for a lot of winter craters(winged critters), that has spend twice as much energy of flying through the storm than in a clear skys. But what about bugs no bigger than the raindrops themselves. Researchers use high speed video to watch mosquitos went in the rain, more through a spray of mist in a lab.  They saw when a mosquito in waterdrop meet, the insect basically hitches a right for bit, before peeling off unharmed. 
so, the bugs go with a flow and offer a little resistance, and the drop slow is only slightly, keeping its kinetic energy rather than the blasting the bug, so for storm trooping mosquitos, resistance is not only futile, it's all wet. 