SSS 2012-06-26(在线收听

 A planet sees what we see, a planet sees light. Danel ** director of NANA center for planet boi-sciences at tele university, and the author of a new book, <what a planet knows?>. so he takes someone who is completely blind and by observe in some way given in a camera allow them to see just shadows, would we could say that the person now has reidmental? sight? He doesn’t see pictures but that person’s being able to differiate shadows is definiately sight. If we let them be able to differiate between red and blue, and that would be a even slightly more sight.That what planets do. They don’t see pictures but they see colors. They see directions, they see intensities. But on the certain level, planets might think we were visually limited. Because planets see things thatt we can’t see, they see UV light and they see infrared redlight.( ray?) And we can’t see that at all, so we can say that planets can see. I knows a bit much more than given in the credit form(?).
