澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-07-07(在线收听

 Let's take a look at the satellite ,a large high press system is directing showers southeast winds on to the new south wales and queensland coast ,the high is keeping rest nation southeast most clear ,leading to another cold morning ,a trough is pressing southern Australia and trigering showers 

In queensland it mostly cloudy  with isolated showers about eastcoast ,fine and public cloudy remain the state ,in new south wales isolate showers in the central and north part of coast and X branches gathered along the coast in the north fine and  most sunny elsewhere .
There will be local morning fog and in Victroiaffollwoed by l sunny day ,in X fine and patchy light showers in the western coast parts of the north 
South Australia can expect cold morning with area force and fine X mild most sunny day .
In western Australia areas with rain drowns and northern and east part X isolated showers by the afternoon.
In the top end ,most dry sunny parts areas cloud over the northeast .
Looking aheadto tomorrow and a shower to X and Brisbane ,a possible early shower in sydney ,Adeliade ,Darwin should be fine and sunny