澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-07-16(在线收听

 the international red cross says declared Syria is now in full scale civil war and subjected to  Geneva Conventions  .Syria denies that heavy artillery was used in the attack on the village of  Tremseh or that was a massacre .UN observers are continuing to investigate claims up to two hundred people were killed there .

a new study has found Syria shortfalls in the standard of health care for many Australians .researchers they  more than eleven hundred patients ,they found more than forty percent received substandard care .
the federal environment minister Tony Burke says he is open to any proposal to try to prevent further shark attacks  in western Australia  .it follows the death of surfer Ben Linden  on the weekend .the fifth fatality in ten month .WA fishery minister wants to end protection of great white if evidence shows their numbers have been increased .
Japanese troops airlift supplies to thousands of flood victims trapped on the southern island of Kyushu,torrential rain over the pass three days is triggered landslide and flash flooding  ,killing at least twenty four people ,tens of thousands have been evacuated from several mountainous regions . 
and wild weather have been caused heavy components northwest in the form of tornadoes . one huge twister nearly one kilometer wide sweep through a national park and surrounding villages .more than a hundred homes were wrecked at least one person was killed and ten other people injured