澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-07-17(在线收听

 The armed vehicles are all on the street of Damascus ? farting tense of fires in Syrian capital.Opposition activists have descried southern part of the city is being under siege.A spokesman for the free Syrian armry says troops are trying to dislaunch rebles in Linmidaon district.

And performing teacher has been targeting again this time by the federal oppostition.Education spokesman C.P says a coalition government would make it easier to get rid of teachers who don't make the grade.He says teacher training and quaility is more important than reduce classess and increasing salary.
The federal government chief,W,has stopped short of guarantee that Julia Gillard will lead level to the next election.Joe.F says he hopes and expects the Prime Minister's polling number will in prove and that she will be at the home for next year's poll.
A new report of Australian relationship with Indian remains brutal and more needs to be done to straighten? ties.A series of recommendations will be realsed today by the Australian,India Institute,saying inludes speed up negotiations on free trade and immigration concessions to Indian students.
An American Navy ship has opened fire on an armed motorboat off the coast of Dubai in the Unite Arab Emirates and confirmed reports said one person has been killed and three injured.The US Navy says the boat repeatedly ignored warnings to stop approaching a refueling ship.