爵士歌曲:They Just Want You To Be Here(在线收听

爵士:Carly Simon - They just want you to b

相关介绍 :这是这位值得尊敬的老女人,格莱美,奥斯卡,金球奖奖项获得者,她的歌给人感觉犹如一座古堡的地下酒窖中,所蕴藏的陈年美酿,品之,醇厚,温暖,令人沉醉。又带点怀旧的经典爵士味,令人可暂时小憩,闭目聆听。

歌词 :

Song :They Just Want You To Be Here
Artist :Carly Simon

They don't care
If you brush your hair
They just care
That you're there
They don't mind
If you stay upstairs
They just care
That you're there

They don't know
If you're all
You've ever
Wanted to be
Or if life
Has answered
Your prayers

They just want you
To be there
They just want you
To be there

They don't mind
If you're mad and yell
As long
As it's not at them
Doesn't matter you're sad
They can tell
It's not because of them

They don't know
That you're striving
To be someone
And you're not sure
How you will fare

They just want you
To be there
They just want you
To be there
They just want you
To be there

Just as long
As you're
Somewhat right
You can do no wrong
Their trusting eyes
Looking up at you
You're so strong

They don't know
That in time
They'll grow
Into your shoes
They'll pound
The ground
And they'll swear
But they'll want you
To be there
They just want you
To be there
They just want you
To be there

And you know
I know
You know, I know
It's clear
A thousand percent
For you
I am, I am
I'm here

And you know
I know, I know you
I know it's clear
A thousand percent
For you I am
I am I'm here
A thousand percent
For you
I am, I am
I am, I'm here
And I know
I know, I know
And I know, I know
I know It's clear
And I know, I know
I know, it's clear
