爵士歌曲:Susannah Mccorkle - Easy to love(在线收听

爵士:Susannah Mccorkle - Easy to love

相关介绍 :  在Billie Holiday的影响之下,1946年1月4日出生於美国加州的苏姍娜麦可可(Susannah McCorkle)决心投入爵士乐的天地里,让爵士乐坛增添一名不可多得的艺人,优异的表现不仅拿下三度Stereo Review年度专辑大奖,更被知名的LA TIMES及ESQUIRE杂誌分别美称为「年度最佳歌者Singer of the Year」、「我们最爱的爵士女伶Woman We Love」;但却在2001年5月19日惊传跳楼自杀身亡,其所遗留下来的录音不仅成为爵士绝响,亦将是乐迷们心中永远留恋的经典之音。

歌词 :

Song :Easy to love
Artist :Susannah Mccorkle

you'd be so easy to love
so easy to idolize all others above
so worth the yearning for
so swell to keep every home fire burning for

and we would be so grand at the game
carefree together that it does seem a shame
that you can't see your future with me
cause you'd be, oh, so easy to love

you'd be so easy to love
easy to idolize all others above
so worth the yearning for
so swell to keep all the home fires burning for

we'd be so grand at the game
so carefree together that it does seem a shame
that you can't see your future with me
cause you'd be, oh, so easy to love

easy to love
easy to love
