英语博客-北美风情 199、English idioms: to toot your own horn, to pat yourself on the back, etc.(在线收听

   Have you done something extra special lately? In that case, you may want to toot your own horn! This episode is all about speaking well of yourself. It’s all about how to do it while staying humble. For example, we don’t want to want to toot our own horn, but we think our podcasts are pretty fun and informative!

  What is a Member?
  Maura:Right, and that means that you talk about that experience. So if you did really well on a project at work, you toot your own horn when you tell other people about what a great job you did. Or if you did really well on a test, you toot your own horn when you tell other people about how well you did.
  Harp:Exactly. And if we think about this, to toot your own horn, if someone blows a horn, it’s a celebration. It makes a noise and it gets people’s attention. If you talk about your own accomplishments, you’re celebrating your own success.
  Maura:Right. You’re drawing attention to yourself. And if you toot a horn, you definitely draw attention to yourself.
  Maura:Now, one possible origin for this expression is a connection to royalty.