
 Research over the past several years shows that heavy users of social media tend to be less happy than non-users. But a new academic study now suggests that social media tools like Facebook can also affect how we perceive the happiness of others.

Psychologists say Facebook and other social media can be valuable tools to connect with people and the world. But that assurance does come with a warning. "Don't spend a lot of time just looking at other people's positive events. Share your own and see who are your true friends, who really cares for the things that happen to you," Kashdan stated.
Psychologists also say Facebook users can lessen the effects highlighted in the Utah study by focusing on their real friends on Facebook, and not on the "Facebook friends" they may hardly even know.
当社交网站以让人瞠目结舌的速度扩张的时候,上这些网站的人们也近乎进入“迷恋”状态。调查中,有47.1%的受访者表示,每天上社交网站的时间为1至 3个小时;1小时以内的仅为29.2%。换句话说,有7成多的上社交网的受访者,每天所花时间在1小时以上。