
 Ted Williams, a homeless man from the United States with a deep, refined voice became an overnight online sensation after being "discovered" by a local reporter on a street corner in Columbus, Ohio. He is a former radio announcer whose life was derailed by alcoholism and drug addiction.

The 53 year-old has now been offered a job by the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers and is being pursued by NFL Films for possible work. Williams said the team had offered him a two-year contract and said they would pay his living expenses. In New York, Williams' mother Julia was thrilled that her only child was turning his life around.
如果说最近在美国谁最红, 非53岁的ted williams 莫属。 曾经的电台主播,因为吸毒而成为流浪汉,在今年1月初,因为自己的一段画外音在被访问时录下放到网络上而名声大噪。 最近几天各大美国电视台都在报道,人们被他的金嗓子震惊, 他也因此得以与母亲见面,上了无数的访谈节目,最近不少的公司邀请他,如果大家还记得,就连他的家乡的克利夫兰骑士队也向他提供播音工作。他的声音真的是播音届的天籁,浑厚而有磁性。