


Companies aren't just about profits
2. 即使小小的胜利,也值得庆祝。
Celebrate the small victories
3. 你要扬长避短。
Play to your strengths
4. 不要被用户的意见左右。
Be opinionated about your product when considering customer suggestions
5. 知道自己的特点何在,然后清晰地表达出来。
Know why you're different and clearly articulate it
6. 不要闭门造车。
Don't develop products in a vacuum
7. 找不到决策依据,人们会自行编造。
Absent information people make up reasons
8. 人的精力有限,同一时间最多只能干三件事。
It is difficult to concentrate on more than three things at any one time
9. 你雇到什么人,决定了一切。
Employees are the most important stakeholder
10. 没有完美无缺的计划。
No plan is perfect
Empower customers to help sell new customers
12. 为你的团队创造最好的工作环境。
Create the best environment you can for your team
13. 与其乱猜答案,不如提出正确的问题。
Asking good questions is more important than guessing the answer
14. 建立各种人际关系,日后会帮到你。
Build relationships before you need them
15. 开始谈判前,就做好不成功的准备。
Always consider the best alternative outcome before beginning a negotiation
16. 在经营外部业务和管理内部运作之间,正确分配时间。
Consciously balance time working in the business vs working on the business
17. 你只有一次机会,得到他人对你的第一印象。
You only get one first impression
18. 你一开始做的事情,可能不是最终让你成功的事情。
What you start out doing isn't likely where you'll find success
19. 搞对公司文化,一切就会井然有序。
Get the corporate culture right and everything will fall into place
20. 不要去想将来如何退出,这就是最佳退出战略。
The best exit strategy is to not need one
21. 网站最大的敌人,就是浏览器的"后退"按钮。
The biggest enemy of websites is the browser Back button
22. 经常性收入是收入的最好形式。
Recurring revenue is the best form of revenue
23. 不要过河拆桥,世界很小,你会有报应的。
Don't burn any bridges as it is a small world
24. 建立一个针对性很强的品牌,然后围绕它把各方面都做好。
Build a niche brand and curate all aspects of it
25. 创业公司的循环往复,是健康的迹象。
Pivoting and iterating is healthy in a startup
26. 永远要求供货商提供折扣价。
Always ask for a discount
27. 不要以为,天底下只有你想到了这个主意。
Your idea isn't unique
28. 与他人分享创意,会让你得到意料之外的好处。
Sharing your idea with others will lead to benefits you can't predict
29. 越简单越好。
Keep it as simple as possible
30. 人们认同公司,甚于认同产品。
People identify with companies more so than products