
   [00:02.86]Dinner in a church if you want. 如果你想的话,可以在教堂吃晚餐

  [00:03.30]Tonight, everything is your choice. 今晚,你想吃什么随你的便
  [00:10.42](Sarah) I'll meet you at the hotel. (莎拉) 我会在旅馆与你碰面的
  [00:13.02]- I love you. - I love you. - 我爱你 - 我爱你
  [00:37.58]Oh! 喔
  [00:44.42]Grazie. 谢谢
  [00:45.82]Grazie. Grazie. 谢谢
  [00:46.90]Grazie, goddamn it! 谢谢, 该死的
  [00:52.02]Buon giorno, Fredo. 晚上好,弗雷多
  [00:54.86]Oh, buon giorno, Mr. Peter Prentiss. 喔 晚上好 彼得·普冷提斯先生
  [00:58.46]- Come sta? - Bene. Bene. - 去航海训练协会? - 祷告,祷告
  [01:00.06]Peter? 彼得
  [01:03.26]Peewee, what a surprise! 小东西, 吃惊吧
  [01:04.10]What are you doing here? 你在这儿干什么?
  [01:05.62]- In Venice? - Yes. - 威尼斯? - 是的
  [01:07.22]In Venice, yes. 对,威尼斯
  [01:09.18]that deal that me and your dad were working on... 我和你爸爸也在进行的这件交易...
  [01:09.58]so they sent the kid in to close the deal. 因此他们派这个家伙来谈这桩生意
  [01:11.86]Did you get that bottle of cognac I sent? 你收到我送来的那瓶干邑了吗?
  [01:14.46]Uh, yes, l, uh... 哦,是的,我...
  [01:16.66]thought it a tad inappropriate. 认为有点儿不太合适
  [01:16.86]I'm sor... I didn't, uh... 对不... 我没有,嗯...
  [01:20.54]I'm just trying to be the gallant loser here. 我在女人面前总是很笨
  [01:23.38]Peter... 彼得...
  [01:24.90]Why don't we celebrate this great coincidence? 为什么我们不为这次的巧遇庆祝一下呢?
  [01:25.70]We're in Venice. 我们在威尼斯.
  [01:26.70]I'll take you guys to dinner. 我要带你去吃晚饭
  [01:30.10]I'm on my honeymoon. 我正在度蜜月
  [01:30.46]My... My honeymoon. 我的... 我的蜜月
  [01:33.26]- (Laughs) - See? Yeah. - (笑) - 明白吗?是的
  [01:36.74]Grazie. I'm sorry. 格拉丝 对不起
  [01:37.30]I can be so thick sometimes. 我有时候很蠢
  [01:39.50]I got a lot of work to do anyways... 我还有很多事情要做...
  [01:40.58]You guys have fun. 你们玩得开心点
  [01:41.18]so I'm going to disappear. 所以我要走了
  [01:43.98]Oh, Peter, wait. 哦,彼得,等等
  [01:47.26]Uh, I don't mean to be rude. 哦,我不该这么无礼的
  [01:49.82]You couldn't be rude if you tried. 如果你不想无礼的话,你就不会这样了
  [01:53.54]How's the honeymoon? 蜜月怎么样了?
  [01:54.22]It's good? It's a dream? 很好吧?一定象做梦一样吧?
  [01:55.34]It's great. 很不错
  [01:57.50]Oh, yeah. Great. 哦,是的,很好
  [01:59.66]Where's Tom? 汤姆在哪儿?
  [02:01.58]Oh, he's, uh... 哦,他,哦...
  [02:02.58]at the, uh... 在,哦...
  [02:02.98]the church with... 教堂...
  [02:04.26]Uh, with, uh... 哦,和,哦...
  [02:07.06]with... He's... He's a huge history buff. 和...他... 他很喜欢历史
  [02:09.54]Wow. 噢
  [02:10.62]Yeah. 是的
  [02:12.42]Well, see? It's good that you guys share that passion. 懂了,你们就可以一起分享你们的热情了
  [02:16.42]Oh, yeah... yeah. 噢,是的,是的
  [02:18.66]Well... Ha ha. 喔... 哈哈
  [02:19.54]Bye. 再见
  [02:28.02]Fredo... 弗雷多...
  [02:29.62]I need to know where that little signora is... 我想知道那位夫人在哪里...
  [02:32.58]at all times. 任何时候
  [02:35.98](Fredo) Very bold, Mr. Prentiss. (弗雷多) 很大胆,普冷提斯先生
  [02:37.98]Grazie. 谢谢
  [02:44.70](Tom) Dodgers won.! (汤姆) 道奇队赢了
  [02:46.34]Dodgers won.! 道奇队赢了
  [02:47.18]The Dodgers won, honey. 道奇队赢了,亲爱的
  [02:54.06]I knew you were going to make me pay... 我知道你一直想让我付钱...
  [02:54.46]for watching the game. 看体育比赛
  [02:56.14]No. 不
  [02:57.46]No, it's not that. 不,不是那样的
  [02:58.50]We need to talk. 我们得谈谈
  [03:04.62]About what? 谈什么?
  [03:05.46]Have you always told me the truth? 你一直讲的是实话吗?
  [03:09.58]Yeah. 是的
  [03:10.58]Except the time I told you... 除了当我告诉你...
  [03:11.38]I liked your brother Willie. 我喜欢你的兄弟韦利
  [03:13.86]I really don't like him. 我真的不喜欢他
  [03:14.02]- This is serious. - I am serious. - 我是很认真的 - 我也很认真
  [03:16.34]Marriage is built on honesty and trust. 婚姻是建立在诚实的基础上的
  [03:18.62]- I totally agree. - Okay. - 我完全同意 - 好吧
  [03:19.30]Then did you ever do something... 那么你曾经做过什么事...
  [03:20.62]that you wanted to tell me about... 你想告诉我...
  [03:22.98]but you couldn't because you felt bad about it? 你觉得不能做,因为你认为此事不对的事吗?
  [03:23.70]And the more time went on... 时间越长...
  [03:26.34]the harder it got for you to tell me? 越难对我开口?
  [03:28.58]And then it turned into this big, fat lie... 然后逐渐变成了一个莫大的谎言...
  [03:30.42]so you kept not telling me about it... 因此你就不告诉我...
  [03:33.42]Did you talk to Kyle? 你在对凯利说吗?
  [03:34.10]No. Why? 不,为什么?
  [03:36.62]Does Kyle know something that I should know? 凯利 知道一些我不知道的事吗?
  [03:37.98]No reason. 没有原因
  [03:41.10]No. 不
  [03:42.10]You covered your nose. 你挡住了你的鼻子
  [03:43.26]I had an itch. 我有点儿痒
  [03:44.26]You were hiding flared nostrils. 你想掩饰你鼻孔张大了
  [03:44.46]What do you have to tell? 你要说什么?
  [03:47.62]Okay. 好的
  [03:48.62]It's just... 只是...
  [03:51.82]when Bags died... 当你的巴格斯死了...
  [03:57.02]he didn't exactly die... 他不是真的死了...
  [03:58.30]the way that I described it. 只是我的比方
  [04:00.18]Him chasing those squawking pigeons off the balcony? 他只是在追逐阳台上那些乱叫的鸽子
  [04:04.66]Yeah, that. 是的
  [04:08.22]What happened? 然后怎么样了?
  [04:09.10]Well... 喔...
  [04:10.10]Okay. I'm reading my magazine... 好的,我在读我的杂志...
  [04:14.06]and I'm really... I'm focusing... 我真的... 我全神贯注...
  [04:15.58]and along comes Bags, you know? 这是巴格斯跑来了,知道吗?
  [04:16.38]and I'm really into it... 我被书中的内容吸引住了...
  [04:18.98]and he starts tugging on my ankle. 他刨我的脚踝
  [04:19.14]He comes trucking over... 他就跑过来了...
  [04:23.10]And I was like, "Bags.! '" 我很高兴,"巴格斯"
  [04:26.62]I'm... I'm... I was like... 我... 我... 我喜欢...
  [04:26.78]I think I even said, "I'm trying to focus." 我想我说过 "我试图聚精会神"
  [04:29.78]Like, don't... And he looked up at me... 就像,不... 他抬头看我...
  [04:33.34]and he was giving me the look like... 他就像在对我说...
  [04:34.78]"Hey, are you gonna play with me or not? '" "嗨,你想跟我玩玩吗?"
  [04:36.86]And I was like... 我非常高兴...
  [04:38.86]"I reallyjust want to read though, Bags. '" "我真的想认真读书的,巴格斯"
  [04:40.22]And... I'm... and... 而且... 我...
  [04:41.54]he started pulling on my ankle again. 他又开始刨我的脚踝
  [04:43.02]So, I grabbed the ball... 因此我就抓起了球...
  [04:46.90]And I threw the ball over my shoulder... 我把球扔了出去...
  [04:47.06]and I was like, "Go get it, buddy. '" 我就这样 "去把球捡回来,巴格斯"
  [04:48.54]and it went out the window... 球被扔到了窗外...
  [04:49.66]and Bags dove, and he died. 巴格斯潜入水中,他死了
  [04:53.02]You killed Bags? 你杀了巴格斯
  [04:55.34]It was an accident. 这是个意外
  [04:58.62]And you lied about it all this time? 你到现在还在说谎?
  [05:00.62]Actually, it was more of an omission. 实际上,这个故事是有点儿冗长
  [05:01.38]No, it was more like a lie! 不,更像一个谎言
  [05:04.98]Where are you going? 你要去哪里?
  [05:07.66]I have to figure out what to do with this. 我要想想我该怎么做
  [05:09.82]I can deal with you being cheap... 我可以忍受你很穷...
  [05:10.06]What does that mean? 你什么意思?
  [05:13.34]I cannot not deal with you being a liar! 我却不能忍受你这个骗子
  [05:16.42]Whoa. Wait a second. 哇,等等
  [05:19.70]This whole thing started... 整件事是这样的...
  [05:20.98]with you wanting to talk about something. 你想谈谈
  [05:23.78]Well, I don't want to talk about it right now. 好,我现在不想谈了
  [05:27.94]So you're feeling guilty about something too. 因为你认为自己有罪恶感
  [05:29.02]Yes, there is something I "omitted" 是的,有些事我忽略了
  [05:33.22]that I don't want to talk about right now. 我现在不想谈什么
  [05:34.58]You want a marriage based on trust and honesty? 你不是想要建筑在诚实基础上的婚姻吗?
  [05:37.18]Well, here's your chance. 好的,现在就是你的机会
  [05:39.10]Come on! 来吧
  [05:41.14]Bring it! 说话啊!
  [05:41.46]Yeah, yeah, you got it.! I can see it.! 是的,你达到目的了 我看见了
  [05:42.14]I slept with Peter Prentiss. 我和彼得·普冷提斯睡了觉
  [05:51.30]What? 什么?
  [05:52.58]I slept with Peter... 我和彼得睡过觉...
  [05:54.38]I heard you.! 我听得见
  [05:54.70]I'm sorry. 对不起
  [05:57.18]I need to hear everything. 我想知道所有的事
  [05:58.98]No, you don't. 不,你没有
  [05:59.46]That's what I do. I need to know everything. 我得听听 我想知道所有的事
  [05:59.98]Yes, I do. That's what I do. 是的,我得听听 我得听听
  [06:02.82]Where you were, what he did... 你们在哪儿 他做了什么?...
  [06:04.42]how small his wiener was. 他的小红肠有多小
  [06:06.22]Everything.! 所有的一切
  [06:07.50]I was helping on an appraisal in Seattle. 我参与西雅图的一件评估事宜
  [06:08.70]I don't want to hear it! 我不想听这个
  [06:13.46]You slept with that... 你和那个...睡觉的事
  [06:15.66]When? 什么时候?
  [06:16.34]It was a long time ago. 那是很久以前了
  [06:16.66]- Before we... - Got married? - 在我们之前... - 结婚之前?
  [06:17.82]- Yes! - Got engaged? - 是的 - 订婚之前?
  [06:19.62]- Of course! - Got together? - 当然了 - 在一起了?
  [06:21.70]Yes. No. No. 是的,不,不
  [06:24.70]It was right after we met. 在我们刚遇到之后
  [06:25.78]My parents were pressuring me to. 我父母给了我压力
  [06:27.78]Aha... 啊哈...
  [06:29.66]Imagine my surprise. 想想我的惊讶程度
  [06:32.74]I was confrused. 我很迷茫
  [06:35.86]I'm in Seattle. 我在西雅图
  [06:36.82]The champagne is flowing... 香槟酒冒着泡...
  [06:37.90]He asked me out to dinner. 他请我吃晚饭
  [06:40.62]Please try not to break into song. 请不要岔开话题
  [06:41.62]My feelings for you... 我对你的感觉
  [06:44.38]were very, very strong... 非常强烈,非常强烈
  [06:49.18]and I needed to know that they were real. 我知道这种感觉是真的
  [06:50.22]I wasn't brought up... 我不能...
  [06:51.62]to manage feelings like that very well. 很好地控制这种情感
  [06:53.02]Yeah... 是的...
  [06:54.14]you had a real tough upbringing. 你真的无法控制
  [07:00.86]I need some air. 我要一些新鲜的空气
  [07:02.86]Yeah? Me too! 是吗?我也是
  [07:03.54]Happy now? You broke it! 现在高兴了? 你得意了
  [07:09.02]Oh, by the way... 喔,顺便说一句...
  [07:09.62]Ha ha! That's funny! 哈哈!很可笑
  [07:10.26]Peter's staying at the hotel. 彼得就在这家旅馆
  [07:19.30]- Hooker! - Murderer! - 婊子! - 杀人犯!
  [07:41.02]What's the score? 比分如何?
  [07:43.86](Girl) 3-2, top ofr the ninth. (女孩) 3比2 第九局刚开始
  [07:48.50]Are you American? 你是美国人?
  [07:51.10]Good guess. 猜得对
  [08:26.26]Where's Tom? 汤姆在哪儿?
  [08:28.14]We don't feel the need... 我们不需要...
  [08:31.22]to be with each other all the time. 所有时间都呆在一起
  [08:35.42]Okay. 对
  [08:40.70]you're spending so much time apart on your honeymoon. 你们蜜月的大部分时间都不在一起
  [08:48.62]Are you okay? 你还好吧?
  [08:50.82](Whispering) Peter, just go. Please? (低语) 彼得,走开一下,好吗?
  [08:56.70]Go. 走
  [09:17.66]Sarah. Sarah. 莎拉,莎拉
  [09:20.46]Why are you still here, Peter? 你怎么还在这儿,彼得?
  [09:20.82]I'm not going to leave you here like this. 我不想让你这样呆在这儿
  [09:24.70]Listen. I have a car, all right? 听着,我自己有一部车 好吗?
  [09:27.10]I'm having a quick drink at a friend's house. Just... 我马上要去一个朋友家喝点酒,只不过...
  [09:31.06]take a ride with me. 你跟我一起吧
  [09:31.30]You know, catch your breath. 你知道 没什么的
  [09:34.38]I'll take you back to Tom. 我会把你还给汤姆的
  [09:41.90]Champagne? 香槟?
  [09:44.22]Sure. 好的