英语歌曲:布鲁斯 Shawn Desman - Baby stay(在线收听

节奏布鲁斯:Shawn Desman - Baby stay

相关介绍 :Shawn Desman,原名Shawn Bosco Fernandes。1982/1983年1月12日(imdb显示1982而wiki是1983还有待考察)出生于加拿大多伦多。"Desman"是他的艺名,据说是源于小时候的一个外号 "Dez, man"
2002年他首发同名专辑《Shawn Desman》,其中3首Top 10单曲让他迅速串红加拿大。Shawn Desman不光外表英俊迷人更是一个拥有“多重身份”的艺人:歌手,音乐制作人,舞者以及演员。他9岁开始唱歌,12岁开始上街舞课,因为具有非同一般的潜力他开始自学街舞。16岁他决定加入唱片公司以歌手身份,之后录制了Demo带给各个唱片公司。没过多久他被BMG公司经理人Camara Alford发现,收入该唱片公司,旗下艺人还有Keshia Chante等人。Shawn Desman在为电影"Honey"录制单曲"Sexy"时开始与Rodney Jerkins(Destiny's Child,Michael Jackson)合作。

歌词 :

Song :Baby Stay
Artist :Shawn Desman

Baby make up your mind, one day you love me
The next day you don't
Baby quit playing games, you seem to like it
But baby I don't

Oooh! I can see exactly what you do to me
It's plain to see aaah
Never ever thought that I would lose my mind
I did this time


Baby stay, close to me
Say you'll be right there to love me a lifetime
Say you will, Say you will be mine
For all time and I promise you I'll love you forever
I'll be there ('til the end of time

Lady why can't you see
We fit together we're meant to be
Lady if you were mine I'd treat you gently
You're one of a kind


Cause I need you
Gotta, gotta have you
Cause I need you
Gotta, gotta have you
Oh yeah say I
Gotta, gotta have you
