

  [02:45.32]Shit. 烂车!
  [04:25.08]You pair of deuces lookin’ for work... 如果你们两个小子想找工作
  [04:28.88]I suggest you get your scrawny asses in here pronto. 我建议你们立刻滚进来
  [04:42.76](Aguirre) Up on Brokeback... 在断背山上
  [04:46.28]the Forest Service has got designated campsites... on the allotments. 森林管理局标有露营区
  [04:49.96]Them camps can be 3, 4 miles from where we pasture the woollies. 离羊群放牧地有三、四哩
  [04:54.64]Bad predator loss if there’s nobody lookin’ after ’em at night. 晚上没人看守 掠食动物就会来
  [04:56.12]Now, what I want is a camp tender... 我要的是一名营地看守员
  [05:03.36]to stay in the main camp, where the Forest Service says. 待在营地,管理局指定的地方
  [05:05.08]But the herder he’s gonna pitch a pup tent on the QT with the sheep... 不过牧羊人 就要在羊群旁搭帐篷
  [05:09.36]and he’s gonna sleep there. 还要睡在那里,晚餐
  [05:12.52]You eat your supper and breakfast in camp... 和早餐在营地吃 但百分之百…
  [05:17.92]but you sleep with the sheep 100%. 要跟羊群睡
  [05:20.16]No fire, don’t leave no sign. 不准生火,不能留下痕迹
  [05:23.96]You roll up that tent every mornin’... in case Forest Service snoops around. 每早收帐篷 免得被管理局抓包
  [05:26.92]Yeah? 喂?
  [05:29.68]No. 不
  [05:34.24]No! 不行
  [05:36.68]Not on your fuckin’ life. 你这辈子都甭想
  [05:41.56]You got your dogs, your .30-30, you sleep there. 你有狗有枪,你睡在那里
  [05:47.32]Last summer I had goddamn near 25% loss.  去年夏天我损失了近25%
  [05:50.60]You. 你
  [05:55.16]Fridays at noon, be down at the bridge... 周五中午,下山到桥边
  [05:58.44]with your grocery list and mules... 带着你的购物清单和骡子
  [05:59.96]and somebody with supplies will be there at the pick-up. 有人会带着补给品在那等着
  [06:07.32]Tomorrow mornin’ we’ll truck you up to the jump-off. 明早我们会载你们到出发点
  [06:38.00]Jack Twist.  杰克特斯
  [06:39.20]Ennis. 艾尼斯
  [06:42.00]Your folks just stop at Ennis?  你有名没姓啊?
  [06:45.36]Del Mar. 戴尔玛
  [06:47.04]Well, nice to know you, Ennis Del Mar. 幸会,艾尼斯戴尔玛
  [07:07.04]My second year up here. 我第二年来这
  [07:10.20]Last year, one storm, the lightnin’ killed 42 sheep. 去年一场暴风雨 闪电杀死了42只羊
  [07:15.96]Thought I’d asphyxiate from the smell. 我以为那味道会薰死我
  [07:19.08]Aguirre got all over my ass, like I was supposed to control the weather. 老板很抓狂 好像我该控制天气
  [07:21.84]But beats workin’ for my old man. 不过这比帮我老爸做事要好
  [07:26.64]Can’t please my old man, no way. 根本无法讨好我老爸,不可能
  [07:27.32]That’s why I took to rodeoin’. You ever rodeo? 所以我才玩牛仔竞技 玩过吗?
  [07:33.56]You know, I mean, once in a while. 我是说,偶尔玩玩
  [07:36.24]When I got the entry fee in my pocket. 一等我口袋里有钱报名就去
  [07:41.24]Are you from ranch people? 是啊,你是牧场的人?
  [07:44.20]Yeah, I was. 本来是
  [07:47.88]Your folks run you off? 你父母逼你离开?
  [07:50.88]No, they run themselves off. There was... 不,他们自己先走的
  [07:54.08]one curve in the road in 43 miles, and they miss it. 43哩处有个转弯,他们没注意
  [08:00.44]So 所以
  [08:02.32]the bank took the ranch and my brother and sister, they raised me, mostly. 银行拿走牧场,兄姊养大我的
  [08:08.44](lighter clicking) Shit, that’s hard. 妈的,真惨
  [08:15.40]Can I? Thank you. 能不能…
  [08:39.36](Basque) Don’t let them stray. Joe will have your ass if you do. 别让它们跑丢了 老板会宰了你
  [08:43.56]Only thing, don’t never order soup. 只有一件事,别订购汤
  [08:45.92]Them soup boxes are hard to pack. 汤罐很难打包
  [08:49.84]Well, I don’t eat soup. 我不喝汤
  [08:56.60]You wanna watch it there. That horse has a low startle point. 小心点,那匹马很容易被吓到
  [08:58.84]Doubt there’s a filly that could throw me. 没有马能抛下我,走吧
  [09:02.32]Let’s git, unless you wanna sit around tyin’ knots all day. 除非你打算整天坐着打绳结
  [09:18.36]Come on 快走!