学个词Learn a Word 第1629-score-points(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是 score points. To score points 得分,指某种做法得到认可和表扬。The candidate accused his opponent of raising the issue only to score political points. 这位候选人指责说,对手是有意利用这个问题,在政治上得分。You're not going to score any points with the boss by glossing over real issues we have. 采取避重就轻的办法,而不是把我们面临的实际问题告诉老板,这么做是不会得到老板认可的。另一种常用说法 score brownie points, 也是得到表扬的意思, brownie is spelled b-r-o-w-n-i-e, brownie. The girl scored some brownie points by helping to clean up the classroom. 这个小女孩帮老师打扫教室,受到表扬。好的,今天我们学习的词是 score points, score points, score points....
