

  Aries 白羊座 
  Create a personalized calendar decorated with your own art or photos. Make note of all the year's major events that are important to your beloved Aries。 
  Taurus 金牛座 
  No matter its size, a plant will act as a (literally) growing reminder of your relationship. An outdoor plant might be best if you'd like nature to take on the bulk of the care ! 
  Gemini 双子座 
  Give them a shout-out! Whether it's a social networking post for all to see, a special toast you offer among a crowd of friends or family, or a sign you put up in the front window, Gemini wants to be publicly acknowledged and celebrated! 
  Cancer 巨蟹座 
  Cancer will appreciate cozy socks, slippers, blankets and the like. Have their initials stitched into the fabric -- they'll love knowing how much you care about their comfort! 
  Leo 狮子座 
  Leo is quite easy to please with pictures. Maybe it's a gallery of fun times you've had together; perhaps it's a particularly glamorous or amusing shot of them。
  Virgo 处女座 
  Send a letter -- not an e-mail -- from the heart. Take time to think it out, then handwrite your deepest, fondest feelings 。 
  Libra 天枰座 
  Libras are lifelong learners, Whether it's how to crochet, draw, or play a song on the piano or guitar, these folks will appreciate the experience of learning from you。 
  Scorpio 天蝎座 
  Craft a CD or MP3 mix. Take care in selecting the right songs to create the perfect mood, memory or message for your darling Scorpio。 
  Sagittarius 射手座 
  Why not get your adventurous Sag some lottery tickets? A few dollars could buy a million dreams! 
  Capricorn 摩羯座 
  Bring them homemade foods. Jams, breads, cookies, hot dishes -- your Capricorn will be full of glee when enjoying something delicious that was made with love。 
  Aquarius 水瓶座 
  Give your special Water Bearer gourmet teas, coffee or whatever their hot drink of choice may be. Include a note about how you cherish your conversations when you sit and enjoy beverages together。 
  Pisces 双鱼座 
  Handcrafts and personal art are sure to please a sensitive Pisces. It doesn't have to be elaborate -- these folks will simply treasure the fact that it was made by you。 
  当然,礼物重在心意,也不要买的太铺张,尤其是天枰座的同学尤其要注意!支付宝曾针对使用“快捷支付”的用户所进行了星座统计(statistics),就数据显示天秤座占比达到第一。此次的年度账单也显示,天枰座在十二星座网络消费能力(consumption capacity)方面名列榜首,其中,天秤用户去年一年通过支付宝的花费占12星座总花费的10.63%,真的比较“败家”哦~