
Cereal…Young Americans Say It’s Not Just For Breakfast Anymore



Guess what food young Americans are eating like steers at a feedlot?


Cereal. You know, one of the basic food groups.


But not for breakfast.  Teenagers and college kids don't even eat breakfast.


Despite the low current craze, young folks are gobbling up cereal -- in their rooms, on the bus, and, believe it or not, even in what are called “cereal cafes” in college towns and some big cities. At the Cereality restaurant in Philadelphia, for instance, the wait staff wears pajamas emblazoned with the logo, The United Flakes of America.  Cereal, after all, is supposed to be a morning thing.


Cereal is a hip concept, explained Cereality's founder.


Frosted Flakes are hip?


This fad is great news for American dentists, because the most popular cereals among young people are sugar-laden brands such as Cocoa Puffs, Cap'n Crunch, and Fruity Pebbles


They're predictable. As one student told the New York Times, you know what Cap'n Crunch is going to taste like. Pork roast could be iffy. 


Never mind the tooth decay and the pimples. 


And wait till you see the toppings! This cereal craze also appears to be an excuse to wolf down coconut, melted chocolate, and ice cream on top of your shredded wheat.


Important to students on a budget, cereal is cheap! You even get a straw and a long spoon to slurp up the last granola crumbs and the final drops of milk.


When these kids get sudden cravings for food -- and they often do -- few things cure a case of the munchies better than a box of Kellogg's Sugar Pops.


This has been bowl season in the United States -- American college football championship games called “bowls” are being played everywhere. Not that some students are paying attention. They're too deep into their own bowls…cereal bowls. 


Ted Landphair.



feedlot [5fi:dlCt] n. 饲育场

Philadelphia [7filE5delfjE] n. 费城

sugar-laden 糖含量过高的

Cocoa Puffs 可可泡芙

crunch [krQntF] n. 脆麦片

Fruity Pebbles 果味麦圈

coconut [5kEukEnQt] n. 椰子

budget [5bQdVit] n. 预算

slurp [slE:p] v. 啜食

granola [^rA5nEulE] n. 格兰诺拉麦片

munch [mQntF] v. 用力咀嚼,大声咀嚼
