英文原版对话1000个:1179 Salsa Dancing(在线收听

   Jana: Hey, Peter, are you interested in dancing by any chance?

  Peter: Yeah, I do. I like dancing. Why?
  Jana: That's great. Well there is a salsa class in Oita City tomorrow night and a few of us are going but it's mainly we have a group of girls, five girls, so we need some guys to come along so I was wondering if you would like to come?
  Peter: Sounds interesting but will I be the only guy?
  Jana: Oh no, there are other people who come along but because it's four of us from the university we thought it would be nice if we get some more people.
  Peter: OK. It sounds interesting. What kind of class is it, how does it work?
  Jana: Well it sort of varies but the teacher comes in once a month and teaches different styles, salsa or merengue, a different Latin dance. Have you ever tried?
  Peter: I've tried I guess in different places but never been taught before or I've never really been shown how to.
  Jana: So you would already be an expert?
  Peter: I don't know about that.
  Jana: Well don't worry, it's a really basic level but the teacher will show us some basic steps and then we'll practice in pairs and you dance with different people. It's quite a lot of fun.
  Peter: OK. What time does it start?
  Jana: It starts around six thirty.
  Peter: And how long does it last for?
  Jana: Usually the class goes on for about an hour and there is free social dancing afterwards so you can stay longer.
  Peter: OK.
  Jana: And practice, have a drink.
  Peter: It sounds quite nice. Do I have to wear anything special or have...?
  Jana: No, just whatever you're comfortable in. Some people wear or girls wear special shoes I guess but you don't have to worry, just something comfortable.
  Peter: So shoes, any shoes are fine?
  Jana: Any shoes, yeah, any shoes are fine.
  Peter: OK. It sounds pretty nice actually. So does it cost anything, do I have to prepare money?
  Jana: Yeah, it's ten dollars per lesson and you get a free drink with that.
  Peter: OK. Free drink, that sounds good. Where are you guys meeting, which station?
  Jana: We can meet at Oita station. It's only about a ten minute walk from there so maybe we can meet around six fifteen?
  Peter: OK. That's sounds fine. I'll give you a call sometime just to make sure.
  Jana: All right, great. See you then.
  Peter: All right, thanks.