学个词Learn a Word 第1651-lingering(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是 lingering。Lingering 形容词,持久的,挥之不去的。Despite what he said,  I still have a lingering doubt about his real intentions. 尽管他说得好听,可我还是对他的真实目的持怀疑态度。飓风桑迪已经过去几个星期了,然而,The lingering damage from the storm is still weighing on the U.S. economy. 风暴造成的破坏依然给美国经济带来持续压力。Former U.S. President George HW Bush was hospitalized last week for treatment of a lingering cough. 美国前总统老布什因为咳嗽迟迟不好,上星期住院接受治疗。好的,今天我们学习的词是 lingering, lingering, lingering....
