澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-08-28(在线收听

 A woman has died in a house fire in Geelong, west of Melbourne. Another woman has severe burns, and is fighting for her life in hospital. Firefighters were called to the house around 9:30 last night after neighbors reported smelling smoke. The body of a woman in her 40s was found in the house after the blaze was put out.

There're moves to expel the National Secretary of the Health Service Union Kathy Jackson. The Acting National president Chris Brown is accusing her of gross misconduct. Ms.Jackson says she is the victim of a vicious smear campaign.
US president Barack Obama has now declared a state of emergency in the state of Louisiana. Tropical storm Isaac is bearing down on the Gulf States. And forecasters are warning it could develop into a full-scale hurricane. It's threatening New Orleans almost 7 years to the day after hurricane Katrina devastated the main city.
Opposition forces in Syria say they've shot down a helicopter that was attacking rebels in the capital Damascus. They've posted this video online showing what appeals to be a burning helicopter falling to the ground. Syria's State TV is reporting a chopper has crashed near a mosque.
And resistance leaders in the restive Indonesian province of west Papua were saying they're losing their struggle for independence. They've told an undercover investigation by the ABC's 7:30 program that the Indonesian authorities are torturing and killing freedom fighters