比蒙障碍 Beamonesque(在线收听

   Bob Beamon established himself as the favourite in the 1968 long jump by winning 22 of 23 meets in the pre-Olympic season. He almost met with disaster in the qualifying round. After fouling his first two attempts, he had only one try left. His teammate, Ralph Boston, advised Beamon to start his jump several centimetres before the takeoff board. Beamon followed this advice and qualified easily. The final was held the following day, 18 October. At that time, the world record was 8.35m, or 27 feet 4 ? inches. Beamon's first jump was so long that the optical measuring device slid off its rail before it reached Beamon's point of impact. Using an old-fashioned steel tape, the officials announced the distance as 8.90m. Beamon did not understand the metric system. When the distance was finally converted to 29 feet 2 ? inches, Beamon was overcome by emotion and collapsed.

  It had taken 33 years for the long jump world record to progress 22 centimetres. In a matter of seconds, Bob Beamon had added another 55 centimetres. His achievement inspired a new word in the English language : Beamonesque, meaning an athletic feat so dramatically superior to previous feats that it overwhelms the imagination.
  1968年奥运会前,鲍勃?比蒙在23次比赛中22次夺冠,树立了他作为世界头号跳远运动员的地位。但是在奥运会的资格赛中,他遇到了麻烦,开始两跳他都犯规,他的队友波斯顿建议他将起跳位置往后移几厘米。比蒙接受了他的建议,尽管起跳点离标准点还有几厘米,但是比蒙还是轻松过关。第二天,10月18日,就是跳远决赛,当时的世界纪录是8.35米,比蒙的第一跳就非常出色,超出了用于测量的光学仪器的测量范围,裁判员不得不使用钢尺来人工测量比蒙的成绩。这一跳的官方成绩是8.90米。成绩出来后,整个体育场沸腾了。在此前的33 年间,跳远的世界纪录仅仅突破了22厘米。但是弹指一瞬间,比蒙将这项纪录提高了55厘米。这项纪录也在田径界产生了一个新名词:“比蒙障碍”,意思是运动员的成绩好得超出了想像,无法再次超越。他的这一纪录保持了23年,直到1991年才由美国田径运动员鲍威尔以8.95米打破。