拿错滑板的冠军 Winning With Mismatched Skis(在线收听

   A rarity among biathletes, Myriam Bédard competed as a figure skater until she was twelve years old. When women's biathlon was introduced to the Olympics at the 1992 Winter Games, Bédard earned a bronze medal at 15km. In Lillehammer, she took a gold medal in the same event. Five days later she entered the 7.5km race, a distance at which she was the reigning world champion. After the race began, Bédard realised that her skis were mismatched. By mistake, she had grabbed one ski from one pair and another from a different pair. The left ski was improperly waxed and she struggled with it throughout the race. Nevertheless, she managed to better the time of Svetlana Paramygina by a mere 1.1 seconds and win her second gold medal在现代冬季两项运动员中,米丽娅姆-贝达德是个另类,她的运动生涯是以一位花样滑冰运动员开始的,直到12岁的时候,才开始现代冬季两项的训练。1992年的法国阿尔贝维尔冬季奥运会上,女子现代冬季两项才正式引入奥运会的比赛项目,米丽娅姆就参加了角逐,并在15公里比赛中获得了一枚铜牌。在1994年的挪威利勒哈默尔冬季奥运会上,她在这个项目中取得突破,夺得金牌。五天后,她又参加了7.5公里项目的竞争,这个项目上她在世界上处于绝对领先地位,但是直到开始后,她才发现她拿错了她的滑雪板。两支滑板一大一小,不是一副。左脚上的滑板拿错了,这让她在整个比赛过程中非常别扭。尽管这样,米丽娅姆还是以领先第二名1.1秒的成绩夺取金牌。
