

  1. Be funny. 情趣Kind-spirited humor can douse a hot argument, head off a fight, and turn the drudgery of household responsibilities and planning into something witty, smart, and hilarious. Stick with warm humor; sarcasm and snide remarks aren't relationship-builders.
  2. Be kissy. 亲吻Saluting your spouse with a longer-than-usual kiss in the morning, at the end of the workday, and before you say good night telegraphs the good news that you still find him or her irresistible and wonderful.
  3. Be appreciative. 欣赏You can never appreciate your spouse too much. He or she needs to hear how much you admire the way he or she gets the bills paid, organizes the kids' activities, made that tasty shrimp scampi last night, rewired the basement, cleared out three months' worth of old magazines from beside the couch, or got the trash out to the curb just in time for pickup.
  4. Be surprising. 惊喜Bring home an unexpected little gift. Get the car serviced before he changes the oil. Deliver breakfast in bed next Saturday (then pop a Looney Tunes DVD into the TV for the kids and lock your bedroom door).
  5. Be historical. 回味Play the songs you two loved best when you were courting. Bring out your wedding album after dinner and leaf through it together. Bring up the good times from your past--you'll both get a glow and feel lifted up as you remember your passion.
  6. Be forgetful. 忘却Forgive your spouse's human shortcomings, then forget them. Nobody's perfect, especially under stress. (Hmmm ... could that include you?) Graciously overlooking flaws, errors, and gaffes sets a sweetly gracious tone for your relationship.原谅你的爱人作为一个人而不能避免的缺点,并且忘记它们。人无完人,尤其是处于压力之下的人更难免犯错。(嗯......你也应该是这样吧?)优雅地忽略这些缺点、错误和丑态,继而为你俩的关系奠定一个甜蜜且温馨的基调。