中英双语新闻——119 Chinese architect scoops major prize(在线收听

   I was delighted to hear the recent announcement that the Chinese architect, Wang Shu, has been awarded the Pritzker Prize for Architecture.

  As a Canadian architect working on numerous projects throughout China over the last 15 years, I have been fortunate to collaborate with many great Chinese architects and artists.
  I was not so surprised to hear the news as I have witnessed a “cultural renaissance” in the arts in China, and in particular, the disciplines of contemporary art and architecture.
  I continue to be amazed by the hunger in the creative community for self and cultural expression. A stroll through Beijing’s 798 Art District reveals a frenetic energy to contemporary art and culture.
  I think the award is also timely, as we witness the “coming home” of a highly educated emerging generation of Chinese architects.
  They have learned their craft both abroad and in China. This vanguard generation no longer needs to look enviably at foreign architects designing premiere projects in their homeland.
  Sure, we live in a global culture, and there will always be an interest in international collaborations in China.
  But the days of Chinese architects sitting in the background delegated to working out the “nuts and bolts” of constructing someone else’s vision are quickly coming to an end.
  Wang’s award is a very positive sign for China. Who better to interpret the regional and cultural forces of China than those from within?
  Perhaps we are witnessing a turning point, a time when China can draw upon its own culture-makers, rather than relying on the ideas and cultural interpretations of China from those abroad.
  I am particularly pleased that, of all the great architectural talent in China, Wang was given the nod. For me, his greatest contribution is his creativity applied to balancing the interpretation of regional and cultural influences alongside his highly artful and personal vision.
  His designs are bold contemporary solutions, yet tap into the memory and history of place. I am sometimes troubled by what I see being built in cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and elsewhere in China, where it’s a foreign architect’s playground.
  The designs are often “placeless”, and could easily have been in Houston, Amsterdam, or Vancouver. Wang’s work stands as an example of what China needs to be doing more of–providing buildings that speak to the land, culture, people, and sense of place.
  It’s interesting to see that the tables have now turned. In the past, young Chinese architects have hungrily immersed themselves in emulating the work portrayed in the glossy magazines highlighting the avant-garde of the West. Now foreign architects are being inspired and influenced by Wang’s work.
  This award will surely inspire in young Chinese creative minds the confidence and affirmation in themselves, rather than looking abroad to decide what kind of creative “language” is appropriate for China’s bright future.
  Scott Romses is the principal of Romses Architects and a member of "JACK", an international collaborative studio in Beijing.
  Scott Romses是Romses建筑事务所合伙人,同时也是北京JACK国际合作工作室成员之一。