中英双语新闻——131 Spectacular goggles(在线收听

   Consider this: you’re walking down a street and your spectacles take voice commands and direct you where you want to go.

  They can take a photo when you want, check you in at locations, and gather information on businesses you look at on your way.
  This is the future envisioned by Google’s Project Glass Goggles. Google Goggles were unveiled on Google’s social networking site, Google+ on April 4th.
  They integrate with smart phones to allow you to send and receive text messages, record reminders and calendar events.
  The Goggles will tell you the weather and allow photo-based Web searching and video chats through voice-activated technology.
  Project Glass has come out of the Google X Laboratory, and is aimed at improving the incorporation of augmented reality into the experience of users.
  “Goggles眼镜计划”由Google X实验室启动,旨在将“扩展现实”技术融入到日常的用户体验中。
  Augmented reality is the way technology created computer generated information which supplements real-world experiences. It often blurs the line between what’s real and what’s computer-generated by enhancing what we see, hear, feel and smell.
  运用高科技,用计算机生成的信息补充现实体验,这便是“扩展现实”。 通过提升我们的视觉、听觉、触觉和嗅觉的感受,该技术模糊了现实世界与电脑生成的虚拟世界之间的界限。
  For example, when walking along the street, the Google Goggles would be able to display Google Maps information based on your GPS location.
  This kind of technology which integrates real life and lived experiences with technology are on the rise. It often involves developing products with motion-sensing functions or building an interactive environment.
  The use of smart phones and the rise of social networking have aided this.
  We are endlessly connected to technology in a way that impacts our experience of the physical world. In classrooms, interactive whiteboards allow information from a computer to be displayed in a way that teachers and students can engage with them.
  “There’s no turning back. The future is only a matter of time,” writes James Poulos, in Forbes magazine, “Our aim will continue to be augmenting reality, not substituting for it.”
  Whether the Google Goggles will be available to the average person anytime soon is a wild guess, but it is fun to imagine a world where such devices are used every day.
  We could change from working at desktop computers in big offices to more interactive work settings, unchained from traditional workplace setups.
  The google eyewear meshes the online world with the real world.