中英双语新闻——201 Trying a new approach(在线收听

   If you’ve ever listened to Sodagreen’s music, you are likely to be impressed by at least two things: the distinct and unique vocal style of lead singer Wu Tsing-fong, and poetic yet obscure lyrics.

  Almost eight years after emerging from the indie music scene, the six-member band from Taiwan, which has since gone mainstream, makes music through a synthesis of styles and influences, blending folk, rock and pop.
  With the eighth studio album What’s Troubling You released last November, Sodagreen is now touring in major cities on the Chinese mainland, including Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu.
  While on this album Wu tries a lower vocal range, the lyrical style is similar throughout. At times it is perhaps even more mopy than usual, in sharp contrast to more playful tracks in previous albums such as Summer/Fever and Daylight of Spring.
  “You can’t have a happy album when you’re asking someone what their troubles are… We literary youths are sentimental and can sometimes be very solemn too,” Wu, who wrote most of the lyrics, told reporters during the band’s new album release.
  According to Wu, Sodagreen is making the music of the literary youth. Having graduated as a literature major from the National Chengchi University in Taiwan, Wu certainly has a knack for writing. However, to write lyrics that deliberately confuse people is not Wu’s purpose.
  “It’s probably because I’m a born pessimist that sadness comes through naturally in my lyrics, especially in this album,” Wu told InSing.com. “But the emotions in the lyrics are straightforward and pure, irrespective of any happiness or sadness.”
  Lyrical Interpretations
  Sodagreen’s music may be difficult to understand, but Taiwanese folk singer Deserts Chang seems to take the literary lyrical style to another level.
  On August 11, Chang released her latest album, Game We Play, following a three-year hiatus. As always, Chang single-handedly took on the lyrics and musical composition, arrangements, and production duties for her fourth album. This album presents her poetic examination of the theme of “God”, or rather, the collective destiny that binds all lives and things together.
  In the first single, the folk rock-flavored love song Pyrojewel, Chang writes: “We stare at each other, smiling/ We jump into fire, with nothing to say/ And what’s unsaid is true…”
  在第一首单曲——摇滚民谣情歌《艳火》中,张悬写道:“我们相视 笑着扑火 什么都不说不说的 是真的……”。
  “I love poetry. I love its simple format, yet it has such profound meanings,” Chang told MTV.com.tw. “So I hope what I write in my lyrics can deliver that much.”
  Maybe that’s how Chang has earned the title of “urban poet” since her debut album My Life Will… in 2006.
  也许这就是为何张悬自从06年发布个人首张专辑《My Life Will…》之后赢得“城市诗人”这一头衔的原因吧。
  Wu Tsing-fong from Sodagreen, who is good friends with Chang, also contributes to the lyrics of Significant Others in her new album.
  “She’s too stubborn to accept others’ composition,” Wu joked at Chang’s new album release party. “What I wrote for her is harder to understand. So Sodagreen fans should stop complaining.”
  Chang agrees with Wu about the importance of not confusing listeners when writing poetic lyrics. “Deep meaning can have an upside if you think the other way round,” Chang told reporters at the new album release. “We have the freedom to express what we want to express, and the listeners can understand the lyrics in their own ways, which gives the song more possibilities.”