
171.Re: 问“通货膨胀”和“供过于求”的表达方法? 
供过于求,可以用很多表达方式,用单词可以用glut/surplus e.g. There is a glut/surplus of eggs on the market. 
用短语:supply exceeds/outstrips demand; have an excess of supply over demand 

172.标  题: Re: 基因工程  纳米技术如何翻译? 
基因工程genetic engineering  纳米技术nanotechnology 

173.Re: 请问达芬奇的那幅“蒙娜丽莎”该怎么说? 
Mona Lisa  

174.Re: 作文中有好些词组不会写,还有一些语法问题如何改正呢? 
社会稳定social stability 
经济条件financial circumstances;economic conditions 
商业环境business climate 

175.Re: 请问“取得专利”和“占领市场”怎么翻译 
(1)关于专利:取得专利obtain/take out a patent; 
购买专利buy a patent转让专利sell a patent申请专利apply for a patent 
拥有专利hold a patent on...专利鉴定patent examination 
专利商品patented commercial articles专利说明书patent specification 
专利许可证patent licence专利药物patented drugs/medicines 
本国专利domestic/national patent发明专利patent for invention 
有效专利live patent;patent in force;valid patent 
(2)占领市场 dominate the market 
176.Re: 基础设施建设如何说?infrastructural construction  转贴于 265考试网

177.Re: 生活日益电脑化网络化? 
Life is becoming computerized and cyberized day by day. 

178.Re: cognition和acknowledgement有复数吗? 
e.g. We have little evidence about how the brain functions in cognition. 
当acknowledgement作“回信,回条”的时候是可数名词,可以用复数形式,尤其应当指出,一般用The acknowledgements放在书或文章前后的谢辞、致谢。 

179.Re: 经济基础决定上层建筑如何说啊? 
The economic base determines the superstructure. 

180.Re: help 
登月计划manned lunar landing贫富分化polarization between the rich and the poor 