
211.Re: 请问才华横溢怎么说 
brim with talent; overflow with talent; be full of wit; have superb talent. 
常用表达:才华横溢的人man of brilliant intellect; person of exuberant talent 
他是个才华横溢的学者。He is a scholar of superb talent. 

212.Re: 万有引力和日心说呢 
日心说Heliocentricism;heliocentric theory 
万有引力(universal)gravitation;gravitational force;gravity 

213.Re: 告别旧时代是congee the old age? 
用farewell to old times 吧:) 

214.Re: 阳春白雪和曲高和寡呢 
阳春白雪Spring Snow(melodies of the élite in the State of Chu) —— highbrow art and literature. e.g. Many of the writer’s books are considered caviar to the  general public. 
曲高和寡highbrow songs find few singers —— be so highbrow that few people can enjoy or understand 

215.Re: 社会性怎么说啊,比如人是有社会性的sociality 

216.找到迷宫的出口,怎么说啊?find the maze exit 

217. 必经之路only path/way  
e.g. only road to economic development经济发展的必经之路 

218. 吸取经验和教训extract experience and draw a lesson from... 

219.Re: 社会性怎么说啊,比如人是有社会性的 sociality 

220.Re: 宇宙大爆炸理论怎么说的?BiBang?the Big Bang 