听见英国 UNIT 1 LISTENING 4 On a BUS 搭公车(在线收听

 LISTENING 4       On a BUS 搭公车




1. This is not bound for                (A) short way of saying “pence”
 south Wimbledon.                  (B) By chance do you know….?

2. let me know                       (C) This doesn’t return from South Wimbledon.

3. p                                (D) tell me

4. Do you happen to know…?           (E) This doesn’t go to South Wimbledon.


Listening Warm-Up



Q: Where is this bus bound for?

A: _______________________


 Task 1



1.       Where would the passenger like to go?

(A)   South Wimbledon

(B)   Wimbledon

(C)   Not stated in the conversation

2.       Can the passenger go directly to her final destination?

(A)   Yes

(B)   No

(C)   Not stated in the conversation

3.       How much is the fare to Wimbledon?

(A)   19 pence

(B)   90 pence

(C)   92 pence

4.       What does the passenger have to do at the Wimbledon bus stop?

(A)   See the blue building

(B)   Take the 92 bus

(C)   Pay the fare

5.  How long does it take to her final destination?

(A) 19 minutes

(B) 90 minutes

(C) Not stated in the conversation


Task 2




1.       The passenger got on a bus at South Wimbledon.                        T)(F

2.       The bus driver didn’t know where the 92 bus was bound for.               T)(F

3.       The fare is 90 pence to South Wimbledon.                              T)(F

4.       There is a bus stop in front of the blue building.                          T)(F

5.       The passenger got off at Wimbledon.                                   T)(F


Task 3


Passenger: To South Wimbledon, please.

Driver: _________ not for South Wimbledon. You need the _______ from Wimbledon.

P: Right, then__________ is it to Wimbledon?

D: __________, please.

P: Would you please let me know when we get to Wimbledon?

D: Sure.

(several minutes later)

D: Wimbledon!

P: Thank you. Urm, do you _________ where to take the 92 from?

D: See the blue __________over there? The 92 goes from just in front.

P: Great .Thanks.

Tea Time

