英闻天下——145 Former Japanese PM Apologizes for Wartime Crimes(在线收听

   Former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has expressed his personal apologies for Japan's wartime crimes during a trip to China.

  Hatoyama made the remarks during a personal visit to the Nanjing Massacre Museum in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing.
  It's part of Hatoyama's four-day personal visit to China amid Sino-Japanese tensions over the Diaoyu Islands.
  "I have to visit Beijing and Nanjing during this hard time of our relations. I hope Chinese people can understand that Japanese politicians have different opinions towards China. I sincerely wish that Sino-Japanese ties can get back to the past when we cherish communication and cooperation."
  The 66-year-old was the third former Japanese prime minister to visit the memorial.
  Earlier this week, Hatoyama met with China-Japan Friendship Association Chairman Tang Jiaxuan and China's top political advisor Jia Qinglin.