英闻天下——310 UN Marks 2013 as Int'l Year of Quinoa(在线收听

   The United Nations has officially launched 2013 as the International Year of Quinoa and congratulated Bolivian President Evo Morales for his work in promoting the ancient grain in international markets.

  UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon delivered a congratulatory message in his opening address to the General Assembly.
  "This extraordinary grain has been a cultural anchor and a staple in the diet of millions of people throughout the Andes for thousands of years. And now thanks to the initial efforts of Bolivia and the agreement of the general assembly, quinoa is now poised for global recognition."
  Last June, Morales was appointed Special Ambassador to UN Food and Agriculture Organization for the International Year of Quinoa.
  Morales spoke of the importance of quinoa in the current international climate.
  "Quinoa is an ancestral gift of the Andean people that has been produced for more than 7,000 years and it presents a valuable alternative in the face of the current food crisis. The International Year of Quinoa is a recognition of the traditional practices of the Andean, indigenous people, who in harmony with nature, have maintained, controlled and preserved quinoa in its natural state as a food for current and future generations."
  Quinoa has brought Bolivia and Peru growing market profits thanks to an increasing demand from the United States, Europe and Japan in the past years.
  The two governments are planning to boost the yield of quinoa in the hope the market will keep growing.