英闻天下——312 China Rumored to Tighten Housing Policies(在线收听

 It is being reported China is going to further tighten the curbing policies for second-time homebuyers.

Down payment ratio is likely to be raised to 70 percent and lending rate could also be set at 1.3 times the benchmark rate - currently that rate stands at 1.1.

Second-time buyers right now are also required to pay at least 60 percent of the property price as down payment.

Xia Dan is at the Market Research Department of China Communication Bank.

"We regard the property market here will go through a round of gripping policies over the first half of this year, particularly the period through March to May. It will first go restricting on second-hand home purchases then further tighten the lending."

So far though, the country's banking sectors haven't been notified of any adjustments yet.
