英闻天下——424 Chinese President Talks with US Treasury Chief(在线收听

   Chinese President Talks with US Treasury Chief

  China and the United States have vowed to continue working together to advance their partnership.
  The remarks were made during a meeting between the Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew in Beijing.
  CRI's Li Jing reports.
  With Jacob Lew in Beijing to meet the new Chinese leaders, including President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang-- it's the first high-level contact between the two governments since the new leadership.
  It is also Lew's first trip abroad since taking office late last month.
  During the meeting, Xi Jinping said it's important for both sides to focus on the long term goals.
  "In the China-U.S. relationship, we have enormous shared interests, and of course unavoidably, some differences. But as long as we both approach and handle this relationship from a strategic and long-term perspective, I believe we will always stick to the set direction, and move forward for the benefits of the people in both countries."
  Whatever the differences may be, the Chinese President remains determined to continue with the relationship.
  "I attach great importance to China's relationship with the United States, and we are willing to work with to continue developing this cooperative partnership between our two major countries."
  The commitment however, isn't one sided, with Lew also stressing the US commitment to building a relationship of growing strength.
  "As you know from your conversation last week, the president is firmly committed to building a relationship of growing strength where we cooperate on issues of economic and strategic importance, understanding that we will each have to meet our own responsibilities but we'll also have to manage our differences."
  At the same time, some experts are also warning of the dual-roles performed by Jacob Lew.
  Professor Jin Canrong with the School of International Studies at Renmin University says China needs to prioritize its own interests first.
  "First and foremost, He is the special envoy of the US President Barack Obama. China has proposed to establish a new type of relation with the US, and the US wants to send positive signals to the new Chinese leaders through Lew's visit. But at the same time, he is also the US Treasury Secretary. In my view, this makes him the spokesperson for the Wall Street as well. If he bargains with us, China should also negotiate with him based on national interests. "
  Whatever the results of Lew's visit are, it remains the highest-level of interaction between the two sides since former US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta's brief trip in late September.
  The next US officials expected to visit to Beijing - the Secretary of State John Kerry as well as Barrack Obama's top military advisor General Martin Dempsey.
  For CRI, this is Li Jing.