音乐咖啡厅:Norah Jones - Moon Song(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:Norah Jones - Moon Song

相关介绍 :在2002年,一个并不算很年轻的女歌手的处女作专辑,给整个美国歌坛,特别是爵士乐坛以强大的冲击,这就是Norah Jones和她的《Come Away With Me》。一时间随着销量的稳步增长,好评和质疑如潮水般涌来,如今在乐评家们的争议声中,《Come Away With Me》已经悄然在Billoard专辑榜上驻扎了66周,并且丝毫没有褪色的迹象。

歌词 :

Song :Moon Song
Artist :Norah Jones

I want to find out where the moon goes
When it leaves the western sky
And night dissolves again 'til morning
Azure turns to gold
Azure turns to gold
I'm gonna sleep with one eye open
I'm gonna keep the shades half drawn
Nearly silent, dressed in shadows
Lines and colors fall
Lines and colors fall
I'm gonna watch her through my window
Just as I watched you before
A smile knows, but just won't tell me
I just watch her go
I just watch her go
Now I learned just where the moon goes
When it leaves the western sky
And night dissolves again 'til morning
The moon is in your eyes
The moon is in your eyes
