访谈录 2012-03-22&03-24 第一夫人米歇尔.奥巴马专访(在线收听

 I have conversations with my wife,Paul has conversations with his wife.many women have conversations all the time,

we take the talk
take the talk, better known for all of the world  ,whatever
highptly speaking,at the end of day,and your husband ever came home,and said you:oh,jo      what an idion
it it never happens,never never .he is always a bit particular about congress
yeah,always how could you not be young be
my father had the most grosses,and i never knew he would  be able to walk.but my dad worked so hard,and he loved us so much.and i think for him,i leran just absolutely completely unconditionnal love.notion the kids really don't need anything,but to know their parents adore them,and i think that's the greatest gift he gave us,just their consitentce surpport ,and you know stability.and that's really what we try still  on our girls,i mean really talk about the renson kids,it's just really,you know we had  rules ,we had boundries,the things were my dad forwent us   
and this is 
don't make me cry.
i see this is oprea,most be later be,my dark,whers is the last
did somebody tell you this is opera
that's my team
that's way you are here,oh,my……this is the first lady.