访谈录 2012-04-21&04-23 茱莉娅与第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马(在线收听

 There is a picture of you and current first lady.

Oh,yes.would you like him lady show.
This is the strangest picture I have ever seen.
Well, there is a back story to it.
All right.
I love Michelle, are you comfortable?
No,not really.
I love Michelle Obama. Ok. I'm crazy. I'm crazy about her because who wouldn’t.  I have to tell you I never actually being invited to the White House which I'm appalled by. And but I did have a great opportunity go to the White House correspondent center. And at the correspondent center, the president correspondent and the president and first lady sit up as a date, there is a rope in front of them. And i really want to meet her, but I couldn't get to her. So i standing in front of the rope and had a friend take a picture, right. So, it's me, but if you look carefully , you can see~
Sorry, I wouldn't show this.
Well it’s…
You will going to here
It's bizarre right there.
You can see that there is Michelle, and she is waving to me in back.
Look at that.
And funny thing about that when I took it and she said did you get it? She is yelling across line, I said yes I think I got it. You want me to send to, what's your address? and she said 1600 Pennsylvania~~~
A, that’s right, And that picture suggest that at the seconds later, the security service took you out.
That’s what it looks like
I’m all right, I don’t belong I take my picture and you are in cuff and corps push your head into near back of car