访谈录 2012-04-27&04-29 《怪物史莱克》艾米.波勒专访(在线收听

 How are the kids doing by the way?

They are great. They are three and almost two. They are giants, they are like giant boys.
Are they big kids?
Yeah. I used to see people like new mothers walking around with their borns in slings, and like buying organic coffee, and their baby was in their pocket.
My guys were like 25 pounds in like a month. They are gonna be as tall as me by the time they are discrete.
You, I think you won large hearty kids. I think you are really great.
I like it. They sleep well. They are easy to, you know, when they fall down, they get up. There's just more padding.
Did you ever tried one of those, I think they call them baby dion
I tried for it literally one day. And I put my boy in it, and I was like...I couldn't do it.
I tried exactly like you. I tried it for one day and I never knew what was supposed to go on the back or the front.
Well, people kind of grag like you can do both, I don't know he's ever seen anyone rock both of them, but they look like real ass. But they are so, they are so, they are using their own babies to balance themselves.
The three and half-year-old right now is kind of turning into like a possess of husband or a little bit. He's kind of, he knows when I'm going out. Because I'm dressed up, or have my shoes on. And he'll just kind of, like today, when I was dressed up to come here, he said Where are you going? I said I'm gonna going out? and he said with who? 
I saidI'm going to see some friends. And he wanted to tell him about you.
Yeah, of course. They are wise.
And they want to keep you *
To keep you from...I think they are smart.
And he said Well, put on your coat. Don't do anything I wouldn't do
Very nice.
I was like What? Reed, you are three. Thank you.