
   It’s common for pregnant women to experience some sort of depression. With so many physical, psychological, emotional changes happening, sometimes it gets too overwhelming for the pregnant woman. The sudden mood swings brought on by hormonal changes and changing lifestyle need to be monitored carefully. Here’s a list of some tips which can help you overcome debilitating depression during pregnancy.

  1. Bond with your baby
  The important thing that matters right now is your baby. Talk to it; caress it by placing a gentle hand on your belly; bond with it. Feeling close to your baby will help you keep your depression at bay. You’ll find happiness, peace and contentment in bonding with your baby.
  2. Share with your partner
  Don’t exclude your husband/boyfriend from your pregnancy. Share your feelings with him. Don’t sit alone in a room and cry. It’s always better to cry on your beloved’s shoulder. It will make you feel better and will help you overcome your depression soon.
  3. Join a pregnancy support group
  Joining a pregnancy support group will help you mingle with other pregnant women. They can sympathize and empathize with your feelings and struggles. Besides, it always feels good to be surrounded by people who are undergoing the same problems as you. This helps you find support, guidance and motivation from them.
  4. Read pregnancy related books
  Gathering information about your pregnancy helps you prepare yourself for what is coming. It helps you deal with things better. So go ahead and read some good pregnancy related books.
  5. Talk to your doctor frankly
  There may be a zillion questions in your mind. Be open and ask your doctor about everything. Don’t let those questions haunt you and disturb your mind later. If you have concerns about your baby’s development, ask frankly. Otherwise, it will keep adding to your worry and depression.
  6. Maintain a pregnancy journal
  A pregnancy journal serves the dual purpose: firstly, it helps you keep track of your emotions and feelings towards pregnancy; secondly, it helps to serve as a beautiful memoir for your baby. Writing down your thoughts can help you get rid of negativity and see things in a new and positive light.
  7. Keep yourself busy
  Keeping yourself busy is a very effective way to overcome your depressing thoughts. Join a hobby class like painting or engage yourself by reading books. Just do anything that you find interesting.
  8. Seek professional help
  If nothing else seems to help, then you should talk to your doctor who would recommend a professional psychiatrist for you. Feel no shame in going to a psychologist. Depression is not a mental disorder; it’s a very common condition which can be treated with the right treatment.
  Stay away from stress and keep yourself happy. Think about the joys of motherhood and your baby to overcome depression.