访谈录 2012-06-20&06-22 里吉斯.菲尔宾和贝蒂.怀特什么关系?(在线收听

 R:You didn't see the On Hot C,did you?

D:No,but I,we get the photoes of it right here.
R:Do you,really? What you got? Oh,yeah,there I am.
D:You play a,you play the Hot C in the year,and you play,PM,yeah.
R:A play,PM right.Look at,look at the ways she look at me.
R:I'm telling you Betty White...Look I kinda got a hunchback there,aren't I a little bit?  
D:Did you ever have any...you know,yeah.Did you ever have any...you know,I am saying any,kinda like,you know,you and Betty ever get it on?Because I know a lot of people did.
R:What a terrible thing to say,obviously.Pure Betty White,honest to God.All these years,a part of this *.You know what I think? NO,no,no.I think you're very very jealous.It could the day of the hair styleless.
R:They supposed to be gay.No one knows,*gay or not gay,I mean,not used to...you know what it is.
D:All people say the same but you.
D:I mean there is nothing wrong with that,nothing wrong with that,no.
R:Nothing wrong with it at all.