访谈录 2012-06-29&07-01 亚历克.鲍德温怒对狗仔(在线收听

 I feel so bad for you when these things happen.And you know,you have my unqualified support.You might have shown the covery of the face.And I know what this is I know exactly what this is.Let me tell you waht I know about this.You and your fiance go downtown to get marriage...yes.What could be a more important day in the man moment life.But it is among the most important day.Sure and the paparazzo,the photographer follow you because you are a huge star.Follow you every move.Why are they following you if you are not a huge star.

Well,but I want to say,it is,I do not want to make a million respect.But,you know,used to be years ago,the people were stars in films and so forced before there was the TV even.And the studios will protect them.By a few,they would keep,they really paid a lot of money they struggled mentally to keep it out of the press,that you were having a fair that a woman actress got pregnant,that some one was gay or was alcoholic they tried.And now the studio said ...why are we breaking our chops to seal these people for the public workforce.When do not we make some money of here.That is right.Failures and misfortunes for the started entertainment tonight and extreme things in each channel.So now here is what happened.And I have been in the situation like this years and years ago.I would actually run off the road by a video camera crew.Now so you and your wife to be down,you get to think and a guy gets up in you and lenses with you with this camera and you think well that is cross the line.You do not need to lens me with your dam camera.he had done the same.The same guy did it to me before.This was very difficult.This guy did the same thing before.he is the master.he is very masterful.And getting really close you with the camera.He is gonna hit you in the face.He goes like that.That is what they want.They want you to take a punch or push.they want you to be reacted.or something.And they got pounce.Nobody got punch by the way.And I said that from the first.I think if I punched I would be in jail right.yeah.I said he did punch you.I know what this is.He was the guy was too close.And you just shaped him.I gotta push him out of the way cause he almost was in the face with the camera.If I punched him,I will be in jail.Then I would press charges against him for assault.Then we would be both in the jail cell togegher.Right.And than,You do not want to know what would happen in the jail cell.no,We were together in the jail cell.
But I want to say something.You were,whatever I will soon know about this story,please understand,and I know in my heart.You were unnecessarily provote.Well,But also the thing is the people in this businesses you know,because your show was one of the most desirable stuff in the story.and let me buckle my pants.
People go out and they make appointment with the press and the media.They do these shows by appointment.And then,these paparazzo come out and they are really with the attitudes,come like,did you forget about our appointment Alec.You know I mean,it is like they think your part of that ....with the truth.So here now,becaue,let us get tour,shall we.You grab this,burning to hold up the covery of ....Because I mean here is a verified line.because they have these pictures,Somebody took this picture.so what they are gonna do.they are gonna publish it.But the picture without knowing the true story.You gotta tell us ,tell it is offen not true.And so,you have,I think,honestly Alec,if this was what I mean,I would be.Look at ...good you look.This is the guy who staff the camera right in your face.What is this guy's name.I think you see I am forming the letter "F".yeah,Which I am now.And What I am saying is.I said to him,..What "FXXK" stop you want with the camera.......Oh,that is what.....But all seeing this aside ladies and gentlemen of the journey.You can see that you are lensing for the camera.You got both hands going out for the camera.You are not punching this guy.You are taking the offending object out of your face and pushing it back to where it belongs in his face.I mean it is right there.Am I right?Right?Where did you go to law school.Where did you go law school.you are fantastic.Urh,thank you very much,thank you.You were everything.