英语大赢家 上册 043.Topic 3经典影片 Classic Movies(在线收听


May: Look, Forrest Gump is on at 6:30.
阿美: 快看,六点半将上映《阿甘正传》。
Gucci: Really? It was on in 1994 for the first time. And it is really a classic.
古奇: 真的吗?这部片子在1994年首映。 它确实很经典。
May: Yeah, I am very impressed with Tom Hanks’ performance in the movie.
阿美: 是啊,我对电影中汤姆?汉克斯的表演印象深刻。
Gucci: I am also impressed with the lines in the movie.
古奇: 我对电影中的台词也印象颇深。
May: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna(going to) to get.
阿美: 生命就像一盒巧克力, 你永远都不知道你将会得到些什么。
Gucci: That’s my favorite.
古奇: 那也是我的最爱。
May: You know, It also won 6 Oscar awards in 1995.Unbelievable!
阿美: 你知道吗?它在1995年获得了6项奥斯卡奖。真是难以置信!
Gucci: It deserves.That film can give us a lot of inspiration.
古奇: 这是它应得的。 那部电影能给我们许多激励。
May: Yes, the Forrest’s experience can encourage the people in trouble.
阿美: 是啊,阿甘的经历可以鼓励处在困境中的人们。
Gucci: All in all, It will never lose its appeal 
古奇: 总之, 这部电影经久不衰。
May: Gucci, I have an idea. Do you want to see this movie together?
阿美: 古奇,我有个想法。 你想和我一起看这部电影吗?
Gucci: Sure. Now you are talking.
古奇: 好的。你这次说到点子上了。
May:Forrest Gump was on in 1994 for the first time. And it’s never lost its appeal ever since. This movie gives us a lot of inspirations. But what I like most about it is Tom Hanks’s performance which is really impressive. I just love it.