英语大赢家 上册 051.Topic 3索道 Cablecar(在线收听



Dad:When Daniel and I climb mountains, Daniel can run quickly but I always,soon, get too tired to move a step further. So I’d think about taking a cable car. The queue may be long. But it’s better to wait than to climb, and also the scenery from the cable car is really fantastic.


Daniel:What a beautiful day!
丹尼尔: 今天天气真好!
Dad:The weather is so crazy. It rained cats and dogs last night, but cleared up in the morning.
爸爸:天气真是变化无常。 昨晚还下着瓢泼大雨, 但是早晨就变晴了。
Daniel:I was worried about cancelling the climbing.
丹尼尔: 我还担心要取消爬山呢。
Dad:Honey, wait for me. I am too tired to move a step further.
爸爸:宝贝,等等我。 我太累了,一步也挪不动了。
Daniel:What about taking the cable car? 
丹尼尔: 乘坐索道怎么样?
Dad:Attaboy, that’s just what I am thinking.
Daniel:Wow, What a long queue this is!
丹尼尔:哇, 排了好长的队啊!
Dad:Honey, be patient. It’s better to wait than to climb with my legs broken.
爸爸:孩子,耐心点。 等总比爬得筋疲力尽要好些。
(After a few minutes, they get into the cable car.)
(几分钟后, 他们上了缆车)
Daniel:Daddy, look ahead in the distance, the mountains there. They roll all the way up to the sky.
丹尼尔:爸爸,往远处看, 那里有很多山。 它们绵延起伏一直通向天边。
Dad:Yeah, the scenery is beautiful. What’s more, the air is fresh here.
爸爸:是啊,这景色真美。 而且, 这里的空气也很新鲜。
Daniel: So you wanna stay here?
Dad:Of course not, I have to watch my American Idol.