英闻天下——569 Over-priced Meals on Trains Stir Controversy(在线收听

   Have you ever bought a meal on the high-speed railway?

  Reports say a package meal on the high-speed trains sell for about 45 yuan, roughly 7 dollars.
  But what you get is only four slices of beef, an egg, a small, cold vegetable, and some rice.
  Usually, a boxed meal like this will cost around 10 yuan.
  @ "You Ying Qian Yi":
  China's high-speed trains can run faster than most trains in the world, yet their services lag far behind. As early as 2011, the Ministry of Railways promised to provide passengers with meals costing less than 15 yuan. Apparently, the promise has not been kept.
  @ Fan Zijun:
  Whenever passengers ask for low-priced meals, they will be told the cheap ones are sold out, so people have no choice but to buy expensive ones. However, I don't believe the idea of only targeting huge profits is sustainable for the railways department.
  @ Wei Zhimin:
  One individual train is like a monopolistic market. The way to solve the problem of overpricing is to reinforce the supervision from the railways department. Furthermore, other government departments should also get involved and try to stop the illegal acts, or if necessary, even initiate an antimonopoly investigation.
  @ Ningbo girl:
  I am confused by the fact that the ticket price of a high-speed train can be as expensive as a plane ticket, while the service on the train is much worse than that on the plane. I think all the high-speed trains should provide passengers with free lunches like the planes do.